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India’s Economic Slowdown hits Dalal Street as Sharekhan to Fire 400 Employees

Sharekhan, Trade tiger, Slowdown fears, discount brokerage, BNP paribas, Dalal Street, Business, Business Slowdown, Cash Flow, Cash Flow Management, Consumer Sentiment, consumer sentiments, Credit Period, Default, demand, ECONOMIC SLOWDOWN, ECONOMY, FITCH FORECAST ON GDP, FMCG, Food, GDP, GDP FORECAST, GDP GROWTH, growth, India, INDIA GDP, Indian economy, INDIAN GDP NUMBERS, Indian Government, industry, Inventory, Manufacturing Slowdown, MARKET, measurement, Personal Care, Policies, Push Sale, Retail, Retail Sector, Retailers, Rural India, Sale, slowdown, Slowdown Blues, volumes, job alert, job crisis, Job Cuts, Job Losses, Job search, Jobs in India, jobs in india for freshers, Latur Drought Financial Instability, Layoff, Layoffs, Manufacturing Jobs, Marketing Jobs, MBA, MBA Jobs, Mumbai Police, Mumbai Police Recruitment, Narendra Modi, New Jobs, PART TIME JOBS, Pharma Jobs, Retirement Jobs, Salary, Sales Jobs, Telecom Operator, Unemployment, Voluntary Retirement Scheme, VRS

Sharekhan, the retail broking arm of BNP Paribas, has asked over 400 employees to quit the leave and the company, said people familiar with the development. A shift to online broking model and shrinking revenues have prompted the brokerage to cut staff cost, they said.